If your child is very fearful of immunization needles, then they suffer from the popular phobia known as trypanophobia. Since your child has no choice but to get their necessary immunizations, there are many things that you can do to help calm them before their appointment and make the process go a lot more smoothly, such as:
Follow the Recommended Immunization Schedule
One unintended advantage of the immunization schedule including so many immunizations being given very early in life is that most very young children don't have any idea what will be happening to them until the injection is given. Very young children will soon forget the short-term pain and will be back to normal life the day after their immunization appointment. If you do not stick with the recommended immunization schedule and wait until your children are older to begin immunizing them, then they will do a lot more protesting about having to get shots than young babies will.
Approach Immunizations as a Necessary Fact of Life
Even if you share your child's fear of injections, it is very important that you learn to approach immunizations as a necessary fact of life that all children have to deal with. While your child may not appreciate hearing the information that most children have to be immunized before entering public school, the reality is that they don't have any choice in the matter in being immunized so that they are not a danger to other children who may not be able to have the life-saving immunizations. If you fear needles, you should do everything you can to avoid sharing this information with your children. Simply explain to your kids that just as they have to have dental treatments that they might not enjoy, so too do they need to have their immunizations.
Share the Phobia with Your Pediatrician or Injection Clinic Staff
Finally, the simple act of sharing your child's fear with their doctor or clinic staff can help them to better serve your child and help alleviate your child's fears. Medical professionals are very familiar with the special needs of those who fear needles, and they will be more than happy to help you make this the least traumatic event possible for your child. However, if you do not share this important information with them, then your doctor or clinic will have no way of knowing it is an issue.