Have you ever wondered why family doctors are called family doctors? Is it because they're family-oriented? Your family doctor is so much more than just someone you go to when you get sick or hurt. They are your primary source of health care, and they offer wellness check-ups to keep you and your family healthy over time.

Here are six reasons to have a family care doctor:

1. They Help You Stay Healthy

A family doctor is there to keep your family healthy at each stage of life. They will recommend immunizations and screenings for adults and infants, monitor growth, provide support during illness or surgery, and ensure your family's well-being in the future through preventive care.

2. The Family Doctor Will Know Your Family and History

A family care doctor knows your family's medical history, including any long-term illnesses or conditions, allergies that family members have, and genetic disorders. The family doctor will keep this information in mind when diagnosing and treating family members. They will also inform you about the latest treatments available for current family medical conditions.

3. They Will Keep Family Members Informed About Family Health

A family care doctor is the family's most important source of information on family health and development. They can help you manage family matters, such as birth control choices, pregnancy, cesarean delivery or assisted reproduction, family planning, and more.

4. Help Reducing the Risk of Disease

Your family care doctor is often your first stop when you become ill. But family doctors are more than just top-notch diagnosticians. They create family health plans and work with patients to reduce their risk of disease. This may include exercise routines or even advice on family planning, such as when to have children based on family medical history. Family doctors can also teach family members about basic hygiene practices that can drastically reduce the risk of infection in a home.

5. They Help Family Members Get the Most Appropriate Care

A family care doctor helps family members and their caregivers understand and access health care services in your area, such as hospitals and other medical professionals. They will recommend specialists when needed so that family members can get the most appropriate care in their local region or even abroad.

6. They Can Help Family Members Get Insurance Coverage or Family-Friendly Policies

A family care doctor will help family members understand the importance of having health insurance and how to apply for family-friendly policies, such as family travel discounts. They will also be able to recommend family-friendly providers like dentists, optometrists, family medical clinics, family psychologists, and more.

If you don't already have a family care doctor yet, find one now. A family doctor can help your family stay healthy throughout the years.
