As the summer heats up, most people spend more time outside, enjoying spending time with their friends and family and participating in outdoor activities. While taking advantage of the warmer weather is enjoyable, the increased activities can place you at risk of unexpected accidents, illnesses, and injuries. Here are a few summertime conditions that could land you in your closest urgent care — and a few tips for avoiding them.

1. Sunburn

Spending more time outside means more exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) sun rays. If you do not take proper precautions, you can quickly find yourself with a significant sunburn. There are three types of sunburn, but only two come from sunburn. For example:

First-degree sunburns affect the outer layer of your skin. You may turn red, and your skin may become tender to the touch. Cool baths or showers usually help relieve the pain, and moisturizers or after-sun aloe vera or soy treatments may help soothe your skin. First-degree sunburn will usually go away on its own after a few days.

Second-degree sunburns affect the middle or dermis layer of your skin. Second-degree sunburn presents with incredibly tender skin and blisters. Your skin will usually peel and can take weeks to heal. Depending on the severity of your burns, you may need to seek medical care at urgent care. 

You can avoid sunburn by doing the following:

  • Applying and reapplying sunscreen when you will be outside for extended periods
  • Wearing protective clothing such as hats, sunglasses, and long sleeves
  • Limiting the time you spend in the sun, especially in the middle of the day when the sun is at its height. 

Taking these steps will not only help prevent sunburn and urgent care visits but may help you avoid skin cancer. 

2. Heat Exhaustion

Many times outdoor activities can lead to your body sweating. While sweating is your body's usual way to cool your body off, excessive sweating can cause you to suffer from heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion results from your body's excessive loss of water and salt. 

Heat exhaustion is easily avoidable by staying hydrated outside or working in a hot environment. This condition usually affects the following:

  • The elderly
  • People with hypertension
  • People working in hot environments

Heat exhaustion may manifest with the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Heavy sweating
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Reduced urine output

If you suspect you or one of your friends or family is experiencing heat exhaustion. You need to call 911 or seek medical treatment at urgent care immediately. Get the person into a cool environment, such as an air-conditioned space, and remove unnecessary clothing. Give them frequent sips of cool liquids and apply cold compresses to their head, face, and neck.

To learn more, contact an urgent care clinic in your area.
